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Monday, May 5, 2008

GOD = RELATIVISTIC ANTHROPIC PRINCIPLE - alt.philosophy | Google Groups

GOD = RELATIVISTIC ANTHROPIC PRINCIPLE - alt.philosophy | Google Groups

George Hammond

Newsgroups: sci.physics.relativity, sci.physics,, alt.sci.physics, alt.philosophy
From: George Hammond
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2008 21:28:30 GMT
Local: Sun, Apr 20 2008 5:28 pm

(Relativistic Anthropic Principle)

The Anthropic Principle is well known to Science today.
Carter, Barrow, Tipler, Wheeler and even Hawking and Penrose
and Weinberg have written extensively on the subject.
What Science DOESN'T KNOW is that the Anthropic Principle
was actually discovered thousands of years ago by Religion.
The irony of this has not been lost on Religious experts.
Fact is, the "Anthropic Principle" simply says:
"observables exist because observers exist". After all, it
doesn't take rocket science to figure out that if there was
no such thing as an observer, then there would be no such
thing as observables; since the testimony of observers is
the ONLY WAY we know that the observables exist.
As far as Physics is concerned of course, "Man" is THE
observer. This proves that it is MAN who causes the
Universe to exist. After all, if all people died at 9am
tomorrow, there would no longer be any observables, no
universe, no time, no space; no nothing. NOTHING WOULD
Religion recognized this principle thousands of years
ago, St. Augustine in particular. In fact Bishop George
Berkeley formally published the thesis 300 years ago, and as
recently as 1900 Mary Baker Eddy founded the highly
successful Christian Science Church on the principle.
It is therefore a fascinating irony that Science has
finally stumbled on the PRACTICAL DISCOVERY of the Anthropic
Principle... they finally recognized such elementary facts
as WHY the Universe is 13 billion years old... i.e. that it
took that long for Man to emerge, and without Man there is
no "Universe"... therefore, the Anthropic Principle not only
explains the "age of the Universe"... but that realization
actually proves that the AP explains the existence of the
Universe in the first place!
OK... but the scientists have YET to realize this; that
the existence itself, of anything, depends on the Anthropic
Principle... and therefore, that the Anthropic Principle de
facto explains the so called "Biblical Creation"...
existence itself only came into being 200,000 years ago when
Man appeared; Homo Sapiens sapiens. Note that the Bible
figures this was 6,000 years ago, but Anthropology was in a
primitive state when the Bible was written, so they're about
194,000 short of the correct date of Creation... but still a
good guess for nonscientific people in primitive times.
OK.... here's the REAL ENTERTAINMENT aspect of all this.
Religious people are far smarter and more widely educated
than Scientists (believe it or not), and consequently they
view the Scientific "discovery" of the Anthropic Principle
with MUCH AMUSEMENT, since they have known about it for
thousands of years.
The Religious people of course realize that "Man created
reality" and they further realize that Scientists think that
"Reality created Man". Knowing that it is futile to try and
explain this to stubborn and nerd like Scientists, the
Religious people are having a field day teasing the
Physicists with long endless dissertations on how
"scientifically peculiar" it is that the Universe seems to
be so "finely tuned" to support life (when of course just
the opposite is true as any dunderhead can see... that in
fact "life is finely tuned to fit into the universe by
Natural Selection). And sure enough, the scientists fall
for it every time, why we have scientists pointing out that
"if the electron was 1% smaller, life couldn't exist", or
"if the Earths orbit was 1% larger, we would be extinct", or
"if there wasn't an excited state of Carbon at 6.67 Mev
carbon based life couldn't exist", blah, blah, blah.
However, it turns out that HAMMOND (2003) is slated to
have the last laugh, a laugh at BOTH the scientists and the
HAMMOND of course long ago recognized that "the mind
creates Reality, and therefore the Universe and everything
in it.... but AMAZINGLY....Hammond also being a prodigious
Relativity physicist psychology investigator
(Psychometrics), accidentally discovered that human
perception (of reality) is actually RELATIVISTICALLY CURVED.
In other words, the reality you see, is actually a CURVED
VERSION of true reality, and that this makes part of true
reality INVISBLE to you, me, and every other person in the
human race. And this phenomena is known historically as
Yes... HAMMOND has discovered (and proved and peer
published, 2003) that the universal Secular Trend Growth
Deficit in Man, causes Man's perception (of sight, sound,
touch, taste, smell) to be RELATIVISTICALLY CURVED thus
rendering 20%, on average, of (normal) Reality to be
invisible... thus scientifically explaining and proving the
existence of God and Heaven in one fell swoop.
Meanwhile the entertaining dialog between Physics and
Religion over the so called "Anthropic Principle" continues
to highly amuse those people in society who already full
well know what God actually is, and I predict, that there
will be much gnashing of teeth among the academic pedants
when HAMMOND'S discovery of the world's first bona fide
Scientific Proof of God (SPOG for short) becomes common
scientific knowlege.

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